Dr. Jessica Wacker

Jessica, CEO, Speech-Language Pathologist and Learning Specialist, founded The Loop Speech, Language, and Learning in 2013 in order to provide exceptional speech, language, and learning support to children in their school setting.
Jessica graduated with highest honors from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a degree in Communication: Speech and Hearing Sciences and a minor in English. During her time at UNC, she was a research assistant at FPG Child Development Institute, where Jessica transcribed videos for research on Autism, Fragile X Syndrome, and Down Syndrome for the Carolina Communication Initiative. She was also a research assistant at the Neurodevelopmental Disabilities Laboratory, where Jessica wrote her honors thesis on the pragmatic language profiles of mothers who have increased genetic liability to Autism and Fragile X Syndrome under the direction of Dr. Molly Losh.
After graduating from UNC, Jessica went on to receive her master's in Speech-Language Pathology from Northwestern University, her Learning Behavior Specialist I endorsement from the University of Illinois, and her doctorate in Speech-Language Pathology from Northwestern University. She has experience working in public and private schools and private clinics in Chicago and the Chicagoland area.
Jessica and her staff strive to fully understand their students and tailor therapy and remediation in order to meet their unique educational needs. Jessica’s ability to assess a student’s speech, language, and learning issues and plot a course for his/her success is really just the start. She also has a rare, intuitive sense of what makes an individual student tick which allows her to reach, excite, motivate and engage them in her sessions.
Jessica is a Chicago Public Schools vendor and in-network provider for Blue Cross Blue Shield and United Healthcare. She is trained in Wilson, Visualizing and Verbalizing, SQ Write™ by Michael Gladstein, SPELL-Links™, and has extensive professional development in executive functioning strategies and social thinking.